Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Aryna and I are bleeding this month. Speaking of bleeding, here's a bleed-to-death joke.

Q: What did the first vampire say to the other vampire?
A: Same time next month, kay??

Stop your childishness. It's not disgusting. It's funny.

The above is a wall+comment string i underwent today. I admitted i was strange. Because i am. So i wanted to let the world know, since wll, i only add people on facebook if i want to add them and if people want to add me, they must possess good communication skill. But mainly, my facebook is all friends and family and the very few who make my heart beat faster.

I'm like Space Cowboy. I like being strange. Let's view a few strange songs/artists, shall we?

>Strange- Tokio Hotel feat Kerli OST Alice In Wonderland
*** the title says it all...
>Your Body is a Wonderland- John Mayer
***i love that song, it send my imagination run wild, but really, who is he singing about? Cause i'm sure the boys could use a few tips...
>Anything by the Gaga herself
*** she is wild, imaginative, extroverted and a kick-in-the-groin strange, yet lovable.
> anything by Marilyn Manson
*** is strange but really good. His lyrics give our pure melancholy and can easily make me feel a bit more at ease when i'm at work.
> CB music
*** oh gawd. this band can make me dance, cry, laugh and just mix up.

Now let's view strange movies...
>Alice In wonderland
*** gets nominated again.
*** need I say more?
>Road Trip
***after seeing those girs naked, i feel better about myself. I maybe a pixie sized chic, but at least i have more dignity than them. XD

how about strange actors/actresses?
> BellaTrix Lestrange - Helena Bonham Carter.
*** I adore her acting in HP. She makes a villain look evil, childish, freaky, likable and voluntary.
> The Mad Hatter/The Tourist/Willy Wonka- Johnny Depp
*** It's just his face. We cant change it.
> Jareth, King of Goblins- David Bowie
*** he is strange and awesome.
> David Hasselholf
*** it's just him. Dont ask why.

Hmmm.. but i guess the award of strangest sapien alive would be...
Tim Burton.
because he is amazing and it's Halloween everyday in our world.

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