Friday, December 31, 2010

A Light Unto Our Paths

Sitting in the Treehouse, watching the difference in the seasons make their appearance outside of my windows as premeturely Spring slips slowly onto center stage, elegantly turning on graceful feet gives me pause in my reflection of the time now past. Walking outside there is an urgency in people's gaits and steps as preparations no doubt are underway for New Year's Eve festivities.

As I recently drove on I-94, the Dan Ryan Expressway with normally the sheer agressiveness and even reckleness explodes as people rush to and fro, on and off there was a sense of calm and of respect as traffic came to a standstill yesterday the latter was carried to his rest in a haunting, sorrowful yet beautiful display of honor. In silence but with the colors displayed preceeded by Chicago Police, was the fire truck which slowly carried this vessel of a man who had died protecting a neighborhood and people from the horrors of fire.

Vessel, yes. The peaceful spirit of that public servant has now flown into the arms of the Creator who welcomes us all home when He steps to the edge of Heaven and calls us by name.

And yet, life continues on. I am brought back to the present as the rain softly falls, washing away the downy blanket of white that has delighted children and frustrated adults. I realize that the path before us is ever winding and just as the new year comes in the morn, we do not know what lies ahead. What is certain is that the Creator's presence is felt in every moment of triumph, every challenge, every obstacle, every burst of laughter and joy and every sorrow lost in a river of tears.

May the Creator continue to walk with you in your path, blessing and giving you peace.

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