Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Claire Danes Hairstyle

With archetypal adorableness of celebruty Claire Danes, about any actualization would work. Danes is apparent actuality with a continued hairstyle which adds adroitness to her appearance. This actualization incorporates a ancillary allotment with a blow of flare. Claire sports actual apart aeroembolism on the tips of her hair. This continued hairstyle gives a coiled attending after all of the added fuss. Her albino blush is additionally alive for her...................

Consequential Behavior....Something to Think About

Consequential behavior is something we all live with, but many of us don't think about while we are living it. Basically it is an understanding that all of your actions result in a consequence. Not all consequence's are life changing, but many of our actions that we choose do hold major consequences.

If you practice the awareness of your actions, you will most likely deal with less harmful consequences. For instance; choosing to not study for a test, could result in a bad grade. Now if you were thinking about that before the test, you might choose to study so that you can graduate and go to a good college. If you thought about the consequence of failing, it could be more of an incentive to study and get a better grade.
Many times we do not think that far ahead, and have to deal with the consequences after the fact, and then think "I wish I would have studied for the test". Why not think about it before so the outcome will be more of what you want for your future, and future endeavors.

It sounds pretty logical, but many of us do not apply logic when it comes to life's decisions. For instance; having unprotected sex is a common mistake made by millions of people. They are in the throws of passion, lust, or whatever you want to call it, and "choose" to have sex without protection.

There are severe consequences to having unprotected sex. Sexually transmitted diseases are certainly one of those consequences. Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis, Genital Herpes, HPV, Genital Warts, Chancroid, Pubic Lice, AIDS, Hepatitis B and C, are some of the STD's that you can get having unprotected sex. This is a pretty big consequence to create by not choosing to be proactive in your decision making process.

Of course there is another consequence to having unprotected sex, and that is getting pregnant. This could result in an unwanted pregnancy which is never a good thing. Being irresponsible in this decision effects more than just yourself, it effects an innocent child that may bare the brunt of your choice to not care of the consequence in what you are choosing.

There are consequences to every action you make. Some are more benign than others, such as choosing to not brush your teeth today. That probably won't cause much of an issue, but if you choose to do that consistently, your consequence would be to lose your teeth.

The consequence of eating unhealthy foods will most likely be overweight and obesity issues, obesity related diseases, and many times a lack of self esteem. The consequence of not exercising will lead to much of the same as eating poorly, as well as leave you with less energy, faster aging process, and a poor body image.

Consequences of procrastinating will be stress, anxiety, and a feeling of being overwhelmed. Consequences of cheating and lying can bring much of the same, as well as feeling bad about yourself for being a cheater and a lyre. You may also experience the consequence of others not respecting you for this behavior. You might not be seen by others as a good person when you practice these behaviors.

You can see that the above actions all result in consequences that are not a benefit to you. There are also consequences for good behavior, such as being kind, compassionate, loving, honest, and helpful. These consequences are usually ones that will uplift you and be a beneficial positive experience to you.

Be conscious of your actions and behavior. Know that in every action there will be a consequence. Make sure you are in control of how these play out in your life. Remember you are not a victim, but a person who is totally responsible for every action you take, and every consequence you make. Make them consciously!

Till Tomorrow,

A Recipe for Disaster

Step One: Add in a healthy heaping (138, to be exact) of Trailmix's lovely, hand-cut, far-too-time-consuming directions insert for the invitation suite.

Step 2: Insert direction slip into invitation envelope, only to find that said slip is too long.

Step Three.  Turn the insert around and repeat Step Two.

Combine all three of these steps to equal one angry-faced Trailmix.

MOTHER F-------!!!!!!!!!

Tell me you've done something bone-headed like this, so I know I'm not alone... Please? Before I actually start tearing out my hair and mumbling to myself like a crazy person.  I'll check back in with y'all later because right now, I have to go to Staples for more (smaller) copies of the directions...

A Recipe for Disaster

Step One: Add in a healthy heaping (138, to be exact) of Trailmix's lovely, hand-cut, far-too-time-consuming directions insert for the invitation suite.

Step 2: Insert direction slip into invitation envelope, only to find that said slip is too long.

Step Three.  Turn the insert around and repeat Step Two.

Combine all three of these steps to equal one angry-faced Trailmix.

MOTHER F-------!!!!!!!!!

Tell me you've done something bone-headed like this, so I know I'm not alone... Please? Before I actually start tearing out my hair and mumbling to myself like a crazy person.  I'll check back in with y'all later because right now, I have to go to Staples for more (smaller) copies of the directions...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Jilbab Fashions for mother

please comment Jilbab Fashions for mother

Boys, Boys, Boys....What to Do?

Boys and men....this is a subject that will consume you when you are young....and from my interactions with "all" of my female clients, friends, and acquaintances, young and old, for much of your life.

I wish I had all of the time back that I have spent in my life thinking about and working on having that "special" relationship with a guy, believing that it would make me happy.

If I had spent that time getting a masters degree, or planning my career goals, working on self improvement, I would not have floundered as much as I did. If I would have known that true happiness does not come from a having a relationship with another person, it comes from the relationship you have with yourself.

I know that much of this attention we put on having that relationship is hormonal and biological, but I also believe a great deal of it is societal. We are brainwashed from birth to believe that having that "special" relationship is the most important thing in life! The brainwashing comes in the form of movies, songs, holidays, and books, that send a message to us that we need to find that one special love to complete us.

The truth is, You are complete already, and you can survive without someone else, even though most of us don't want to. The poems, songs, movies, and books that tell a story about a love so amazing that you will die without it, is hogwash. No matter how much you love, you will not die without it. There may be feelings of severe sadness and loss, but you will not die. Life will go on no matter what relationship ends, and you will survive and most likely find a new love to obsess over.

I believe that we all need to work on ourselves first, before we jump into a lifelong commitment to another. If you are dealing with low self worth, low self esteem, or other personal issues that are holding you back from being who you would like to be, this is not the time to get into a relationship. You will only be able to attract someone with like issues, and or someone who will validate your issues for you.

For instance; I had low self worth for much of my younger life, and the men who I attracted into my life would cheat on me, belittle me, and treat me badly. I could have never attracted a "together" guy when I had such personal issues, because that kind of guy would never have been attracted to a female who had such low self worth. That kind of guy would only be attracted to a female who was more together herself. Get it?

You need to be the person you want to be with. In other words, if you want someone honest, loyal, kind, intelligent, fun, etc., you need to be those things to be able to attract someone of the same ilk. If you lie and cheat, don't expect to find someone who is otherwise. Get it?

If you think you are going to find your true love at seventeen or eighteen years old, the odds are highly against you. First of all, you really don't know who "You" are yet, and certainly have not had the experience to know who you want to be with. Now I know there are exceptions to this rule, but they are just that, exceptions.

Two out of three marriages end in divorce...that says it all. People get married young thinking they know what they want, they have children thinking they have this perfect situation, and then a few years down the road realize they don't want to be married to this person and it ends with a divorce and children that become damaged from it.

Give yourself time to get to know who "You" are and who "You" want to be with. Work on yourself to be the person that you like so that you can attract the person that you want. Don't buy into the illusion of what the movies, songs, and books tell us. Find what works for you and what can stand the test of time.

If you are in a relationship where you are always trying to change the person you are with, or they are always trying to change you, you are in the wrong relationship.

If it is happiness you want in your life, find it in yourself first, then another person will enhance your life, not be your life. This is a much healthier approach to finding someone to share in your life's journey with....take your time, learn, grow, and be who you should be, before you commit to someone else.

Till Tomorrow,

New Fashion Trends 2010 Pictures

New fashion for 2010 and new fashion trends for 2010 online. Our fashion services: fashion news 2010, fashion for woman, fashion for work, fashion for kids

new fashion trends 2010
new fashion trends 2010
new fashion trends 2010
new fashion trends 2010
new fashion trends 2010
new fashion trends 2010

new fashion hair styles 2010

new fashion hair styles
new fashion hair styles
new fashion hair styles
new fashion hair styles
new fashion hair styles

The Fashion Circles Of Jilbab Art

The Fashion Circles Of Jilbab Art

The Fashion Circles Of Jilbab Art 1

The Fashion Circles Of Jilbab Art 2

The Fashion Circles Of Jilbab Art 3

The Fashion Circles Of Jilbab Art 4

The Fashion Circles Of Jilbab Art 5

The Fashion Circles Of Jilbab Art 6

A jilbab comes in various styles

A jilbab comes in various styles, colours and designs which when combined form a unique fashion. A jilbab does not have to be a piece of cloth that is stitched for you to wear but it can look good too. We can make our own fashion with the jilbab. There are now new designs that a jilbab comes in and that is fashion for muslim women. We get hijabs to match it and that completes our fashion as a modern muslim woman. We can now get a designer jilbab, sporty jilbab, casual jilbab, a jilbab for wedding and also a fashion jilbab. There are different colours in which a jilbab comes in and some are good for summer while other for winter. For example, black and grey in a jilbab are good colours for winter while peach and sky blue are good for summer.

Fashion is a term that usually applies to a person that is often wearing the clothes that are of the fashion or style of the time. We make our own fashion whether it is for a jilbab or a hijab or both. A jilbab that covers you fully, is comfortable and has a style to it is the perfect one in fashion. A jilbab that caters for different body shapes and fashion preferences is the beat one. An individuals taste matters too. One might prefer the sporty jilbab and say that, that is fashion for them while the other person could say that the casual jilbab is fashion for them. In fact they are all in fashion but it depends on the occasion you are wearing them for. Every jilbab and fashion has a time and place. In conclusion a jilbab with style is the jilbab in fashion.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Cindy Crawford Hairstyle

Cindy Crawford (42) in bounce 2008 with a continued amber hairstyle and new haircolors. The aphotic bistered lightened her beard hardly all over and has highlighting to anatomy her admirable face on one side, additional addition analogously black band in the average on the other.

How to Read a Food Label

Reading food labels are important if you want to be assured of getting healthy foods into your body. Most people know about the calorie count when reading food labels, but there is a lot more information for you on these labels if you are able to understand what they mean.

First off, you need to know that all food labels are based on a 2,000 calorie a day diet. Some may offer the information for 2,500 calories as well. This is an assumption that the average daily diet is 2,000 calories a day.

Just by looking around at all the obese people that I see, and knowing the facts of how many people are over weight and obese in the U.S., it is pretty obvious that most people are not sticking to the 2,000 calories a day program.

They need a baseline, and that is what it is, so all of the stats on the label are for 2,000 calories. When you see a percentage of how much your daily values are such as sodium, or fiber, that is only if you are eating 2,000 calories a day.

You also need to note the serving size. If it says a 1 cup is a serving, and you have two cups, you need to double all the fact information on the label to apply to the amount that you ate. Usually serving sizes are very conservative, smaller than what many of us eat. So when it says 200 calories per serving, and you eat double the serving, you must double the calories that you are counting, along with all of the other info on the label.

If the fat percentage on a label reads more than 25 to 30 percent, it is not a healthy choice if you are trying to lose fat. Especially if you are eating more than the serving size recommends.

If a label says "fat free" it has to by law have less than 0.5 grams per serving. If it says "low fat" it must comply with 3 grams of fat or less per serving. If it say "lean" it must have less than 10 grams of fat, 4.5 grams of saturated fat, and no more than 95 milligrams of cholesterol.

If the label says "light (lite)" it must have 1/3 or no more than half the fat of the higher calorie. higher fat version. Hopefully the higher version is not over the top with fat. When a label says "Cholesterol free", it must have less than 2 milligrams of cholesterol, or 2 grams or less of saturated fat per serving.

Your cholesterol intake should be under 300 milligrams in a day for a healthy diet. Your sodium intake should not go over 2400 milligrams in a day for optimum health results.

When reading the ingredient list, remember that they list them by amounts. The ingredient that is in the product the most will be the first ingredient listed. For instance in many processed cereals the first ingredient might be bleached flour, the second ingredient might be sugar. That means that this cereal has mostly bleached flour, (non nutritious) and sugar (also non nutritious) in it. Not a good choice if you are trying to be healthy and lean.

If you are reading the ingredient list and find words that you do not know what they are, or cannot pronounce, it is probably not a good choice to eat. Many processed foods have preservatives, chemicals, artificial flavors and colorings, that you just should not eat if you are looking for healthy choices.

Natures foods do not need any labels. Fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes, fresh lean proteins, are assured to provide you with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, and amino acids that are pure of the negative health effects of processed foods.

So read your labels if you are eating processed foods to make sure that you are making healthier choices. You will find that many things that you have been eating, and thought were O.K., are simply not. Choose health by taking control of what you are eating. Educate yourself by reading the labels!

Till Tomorrow,

Gisela Dulko Pictures

Gisela Dulko
Gisela Dulko
Gisela Dulko
Gisela Dulko
Gisela Dulko
