I have a special message for God today, and i think it's better if i put it up here so others can pray along.

Thank you for January 2011.. so far, everything has been good. Everything is right. Thank you for keeping the Devil from sending me another bitch who will try to ruin everything that's great in my life. Thank you for the paycheck. I didn't expect so much for skipping 11 days of work. Thank you for my other sources of money. I now realize, after Cheryl told me, that there is a reason why i failed my undang twice. I believe you have the right reason for making it so. Thank you for helping me get over my depression by making Blister appear at the right moment. Only you know my heart Jesus. I'm tripping again. I'm sorry. Thank you for making 'him' fade away in my memories slowly. It is extremely hard for me to get over him sometimes, especially when i see him with his girlfriend. I don't seek pity Jesus. I just hope you send me the right companion when i need one. For now, let me wallow in my daydreams.
I pray that in your will, you allow Blister to come to Ipoh to rock out here. I love them so much, even if they don't know or talk to me. Keep them safe always Jesus. No matter how much they drink or smoke, please always keep them healthy and grant them long lives so they can keep doing what they do best. I am sure you love them too. I pray that they become a real big success and become recognized internationally. Maybe, maybe they will record a single with Tokio Hotel one day. That will just be awesome. I pray that everything goes right..
And God, please help me save my money. I'm practically bankrupt right now. I need to save money so my life wont be upside-down in KL and i wont starve to death. I will not live on popcorn alone. *smiles* And about my education.. I hope you lead me to the right way. Not only me, actually.. Please lead my loving classmates who are going through the same problem as me. With nagging parents, cash constrictions, double choices and undecided minds. I pray i can escape NS Jesus. I'm really not cut out for it. I might just DIE there. I am so scared of meeting new people. You are funny God. You make me an extroverted hyper girl but you make me feel really lost when I'm out alone with nobody i know around me. I hope you can fix that.
Speaking of fixing, can you please fix my heart? I don't know if i can keep putting on a happy face for everyone anymore, so that they may be happy. I am at the point of breaking. Listening to All Time Low does not help. They are right. I need 'Therapy'. And about my braces.. I am going to make sure that 'brace-face' becomes cool. I am not afraid of getting them now. But i hope you ease mummy's jitters. It's irritating when she tries to talk me out of it. She scares herself more than she scares me! And all those past mistakes I've made. All my self-injuring, please heal them. I'm not my same emo-self anymore. I am your child- bubbly, fun and happy.
Please help Aryna sort out her misunderstandings with her parents. They need her and she needs them. I hope she doesnt PMS on them again. And please keep Natalie and her sister safe on their way to Australia. Grant them a safe journey. Sara too. Thank you for sending Sara to always tell me whats right and wrong~ especially with our little codes. I hope Chan doesnt kill her brother... and i hope everything goes well for her. I hope Danielle is okay in Seremban. God, i miss her so much! I call her often. but she's just too busy making fun of me. Clown. Jesus, please help Cedric with his ambition to be a doctor. He'll be a great doctor! He's busy blaming fate right now.. But i believe you have greater plans for him. I hope you guide us all through this journey. We need you so much.

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