Q: What did the first vampire say to the other vampire?
A: Same time next month, kay??
Stop your childishness. It's not disgusting. It's funny.

I'm like Space Cowboy. I like being strange. Let's view a few strange songs/artists, shall we?
>Strange- Tokio Hotel feat Kerli OST Alice In Wonderland
*** the title says it all...
>Your Body is a Wonderland- John Mayer
***i love that song, it send my imagination run wild, but really, who is he singing about? Cause i'm sure the boys could use a few tips...
>Anything by the Gaga herself
*** she is wild, imaginative, extroverted and a kick-in-the-groin strange, yet lovable.
> anything by Marilyn Manson
*** is strange but really good. His lyrics give our pure melancholy and can easily make me feel a bit more at ease when i'm at work.
> CB music
*** oh gawd. this band can make me dance, cry, laugh and just mix up.
Now let's view strange movies...
>Alice In wonderland
*** gets nominated again.
*** need I say more?
>Road Trip
***after seeing those girs naked, i feel better about myself. I maybe a pixie sized chic, but at least i have more dignity than them. XD
how about strange actors/actresses?
> BellaTrix Lestrange - Helena Bonham Carter.
*** I adore her acting in HP. She makes a villain look evil, childish, freaky, likable and voluntary.
> The Mad Hatter/The Tourist/Willy Wonka- Johnny Depp
*** It's just his face. We cant change it.
> Jareth, King of Goblins- David Bowie
*** he is strange and awesome.
> David Hasselholf
*** it's just him. Dont ask why.
Hmmm.. but i guess the award of strangest sapien alive would be...
Tim Burton.
because he is amazing and it's Halloween everyday in our world.
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