The band Blister.....
Me: So your band is made up of family, right?
Mangz: As you know, Ramon, Julio and I are brothers.. Darian (dad's sisters son) and Zack (mum's side) are my cousins.
How it all Started...
Mangz: It was on Christmas of 2000. Drunk out of our fucking minds. In Malacca, of course. (laughs) then ran out of booze. So like FUCK. and we were young. ten years ago. I was 14. Fuck. *reminisces* 10 years ago man.. so yeah, so we were thinking what to do.. Let's go jamming. and we were like LETS DO THIS! haha. we knew just basics of music at that age. We were really into Korn, Limp Bizkit, Incubus and all. You know la, that time. so we went jamming. So we jammed. At that time, it was Ramon, Darian, our first drummer OG, our first bassist Paul Black and me. We just played random stuff. Hardcore shit la. Like Blind from Korn and all. Then after the jam session the guy at the counter asked us if we ever played a gig before. We said No and it's our first time jamming. He said, well you guys should, then we were like, 'really??' hahaha. So we headed to the coffee shop. At the coffee shop, we decided to form a band. Thinking of a name.. Our first song was called 'pantese' btw, hahaha.
Me: haha! OMG. How did that go?
Mangz: Heavy. Lot's of screaming. Boys will be boys. then, we noticed that all our fingers had blisters. So hence the name Blister. and every new member that played with us since always get blisters on their fingers they fisrt time they jam. Weird. haha.
Blisters musical influences...
Mangz: as you know, we started of with hardcore stuff, nu metal and all that, so you know when you're young and you have a band, you think you're all that. So we had to play a show in Malacca, a long long time ago.. Our uncles played 'Os Pombos' and we were supposed to come up and play a few songs. So, we got totally drunk, acted like rockstars, 'acted', hahaha. so when we got home, our godpa, Jerry Singho, lead guitarist for Os Pombos fucked us up big time. "YOU GUYS THINK YOU ALL ROCKSTARS AHH! YOU GUYS DONT KNOW SHIT ALL OVER THE PLACE!" because we could only play like, 3 chords and we thought we were all that. hahaha. He told us that we had to go to the basics if we were really serious. We didn't get what he meant la, so what we did was, decided to quit the band, so Blister was on hiatus for a bout a year or two.. Then the movie 'school of Rock' came out.
Me: Jack Black!
Mangz: :) Jyeeaahh and were like, "bird, we have to do this again!!"
Me: Whats with the 'bird'?
Mangz (with too much information) : We call each other 'birds' by the way. haha. Cause we all got birds la!
Me: OMG! .. =.=
Mangz: hahaha. like you, we will call you 'pek' hahaha.
Me: Errr.. pek?
Mangz: Pepek!
Me: *finally getting the joke..* haha! VAGINA!! lol! =.=
Mangz *on Facebook*: hahaha..*laughs hysterically* we decided to start it up again. This time we were more hard rock. Velvet Revolver and all. The we loved their music. So thats when we went back to the basics. All the way back to Chuck Berry, Elvis, and even older, like thse blues guys, Muddy Watter, Howling Wolf. then we just got hooked to it.
The idea of a dirty li'l secret...
Mangz: Ramon and I were dancers before. we were like choreograph break dancing. Jubs only started playing bass when he was 15.. before that he was a... wait for it... Bangra/Michael Jackson dancer. Well we are all graduates, Ramon interior design.. sorry, Ramon hotel management. I did interior design. Darian majored in English. Zack went straight to work. Julio is in Segi now, Mass Comm.
Me: You forgot that you were doing interior design???
Mangz: That is between us. hahaha.
Me: Cover up. Cover up!
Mangz: Say i studies 'ninjitsu' or something, kay??
Blister's Music-Dish...
Mangz: Led Zeppelin is responsible for what we are now. Ramon brought homw the CD... Led Zep, AC/DC, Sabbath, Deep Purple, Hendrix, Cream, Metalicca, Nirvana, Guns 'N' Fucking Roses!
Me: Slash..
Mangz: Everything la.. Oh yeah. He's a nice guy.. Very cool guy.. And we all shat in our pants.
Message for the Blistered Fans...
Mangz: Yeah. We love our fans. Cause their the reason we keep playing rock and fucking roll. that's why our motto is, "We Bring the Rock, You Bring the Roll!" cause everytime we play, our fans DEFINITELY bring on the roll!
So see, boys and girls out there. Rock and Roll is good for the Soul. Instead of bashing up someone's face with your fist, you can just headbang till your head drops off. :D By the way, Blister is unveiling their second single, 'Headbangers Song' on Facebook. Go like 'Blister' right now. :D :D :D
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