Awmygawsh! my date with Cheryl a.k.a. Xathraf Quaray, was just plain awesomes! Thank you sis!! i LURVE you so effing much! we'll go to De Gardens again, okay?? I have unfinished business there! Next stop: Airport Karaoke!!
Anyway, this is all about yesterday.. i had a an awesome day, except for the failing 'undang statik' again.., but then everything else was DA BOMB. :D So, 1pm, Bernie picked me up back to her house, for lunch and for me to be her little doll. She caked my face and made me look really pretty. She practically gave me a make-over with nude colours, especially with my wild cave-woman eyebrows. Well, they weren't so bad before. They just looked like Bill Kaulitz a li'l. Li'l Miss Tokio Hotel. Booyahh! here are the end results. Pretty, i know.
Then came the modeling part. She has too many dresses. And they fit me perfectly. I tried them on. And i posed. Haha. I never really realized i can pull of sexy, pretty and sophisticated with one face before. I used to be the emo-woman-in-black. Well, i love myself anyway. [^.^] Bernie told me that the dresses flatter me better because i have boobs. =.= Right. Sure. Of course they do.

Then came the self-ambitious, 'omgi'msoadorable' face photos. This is would be great on a dating site, but then Jared Leto, Bill Kaulitz, Blister and Johnny Depp dont have accounts on these effing sites. And i'm not interested in dating sites anyway, it'd be better face to face.
So that night, Cheryl picked me up at 8. And she drove us to DE GARDENS, to explore. Yes, i must say it was a wonderful experience. and the infrastructure and the 'aura' was very KL-like. i miss KL like mad. I just wish I could move back there.. So we were exploring and I suddenly came to the entrance of Airport. It's a really awesome looking lounge and i swear the next time i go there, either 'cardi' is coming with me, or a really warm date. :D i froze the minute i entered. It was so.. awesome. Superb place to chill. And the DJ's were playing songs which were released within the 1980's to 2000. They played Stevie Wonder and all, we couldn't help sing along to it and sway like 'lalang'.

Thing with li'l Miss Judy is that she cant sit still for a while. That's why Daddy always tells me, "OIT, Your bontot got ulat, ah? Sit down quietly cannot ah??".. *glares*.. so, the waiter came up to us and we were looking through the menu. (The bill is below. Quite reasonable for an exquisite looking place. ) Yeah so, we ordered our food, and suddenly i started thinking of Blister (LOLS) and i started giving Cheryl a heads up on the band. Then as if God struck me with brains, i got an idea. *like in the movies*
I waltzed up to the DJs and started asking them about the gigs and music and all. And they were like, 'you should talk to our manager' to which i remember randomly asking, 'Is your Manager scary??' *remember Cheryl??* and they answered, "no, he's a handsome guy." SWT?? I laughed and said, "handsome guys scare me.. Get your manager for me, okay?" and i waltzed back to my seat. Should have seen the look on Cher's face. Pale white. LOL. Sorry Cher, i thought you know what 'unpredictable' means!!

after that, i went out for a drive with Cher to the bus station to pick Jaja/Yaya up. What awkward silence..! Well, i felt the silence was too awkward so i started talking. A li'l strange after that, not awkward anymore.. So i 'lectured' him about who Blister was.. And since he's in KL, he might check Blister out if he has time.. and i showed him a picture of Blister and he was like, quizzing me about Blister. *Thank god I know my facts!* and then we dropped him off. Then we drove to 7Eleven to get ice cream and Slurpee. The Slurpee that Cher suggested caused the superdupereffingfragilisticwhateverbangbangboogieomgi'msoactivenow sugar rush. So Cher and I shared secrets. Shuuuu... Daddy didnt say anything. Cause i smelled like hyperactivecandy and I was home before 12 am. So alls wll that ends well.
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