Friday, June 11, 2010

Summer is Here!

School is out and summer has arrived. Officially summer doesn't come until the 21st of June when summer solstice happens. That is the longest day of the year. I can not believe that we are already coming to the longest day of the year! It seems
as if I time h
as sped up yet again.

Summer is not my favorite time of year however. I do not like crowds, traffic, and heat. All of those things come along with summer time. I do like all of the summer fruits, going to the beach, and being able to ride my bike in the evening hours though. Those things make summer fun.

How are you going to spend your summer? One thing that you can do is plan to eat healthy. Summer offers such a variety of good, healthy, foods for your choosing. There are so many fresh vegetables and fruits available during this time of year, you could literally feast on those all summer long.

Then there are the Barbeque's that most of us participate in. Chicken, fish, and lean meats are so yummy when prepared on the grill. You can make these meals very healthy if you just grill your protein with non fattening sauces and marinades. A fresh salad of mixed vegies, and corn on the cob make for a great summer meal.

Summer also provides warmer weather for all of those outdoor activities. Running, bike riding, hiking, swimming, tennis, horseback riding, rollerblading, and walking are just some of the things that you can do to stay fit and have fun during the summer months.

Don't forget to take some time to relax and read a book or just lay in a hammock under the shade. Summer is wonderful for those kind of moments. It is always good to take time to do nothing, as well as keep yourself active.

Many summer movies will be released, and that makes for a nice afternoon. Go to the movies with a friend to get out of the heat. Just stay away from the movie snack food, (read movie food blog) if you want to be healthy and fit. Movie food does not promote health!

Make sure you stay on track to be fit and healthy this summer. Its easy to get lazy and eat bad food if you are not conscious of what you are choosing to eat, and how you are choosing to move.

Before you know it, it will be time to go back to school, so enjoy your summer vacation and make the most of it. Enjoy!

Till Monday,

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