Thursday, June 24, 2010

Feelilng Good by Doing for Others

This week CNN hosted by Larry King, a telethon to raise money for the Gulf Coast was held. Mr. King announced that, "You never feel so good as when you give to someone else." There is no truer statement than that.

I have written to you about "Uplifting" other people to make yourself feel better, several times, but we can always revisit this topic to remember its importance.

I never feel better than when I am helping someone else to feel better. In my work I have the honor of helping a lot of people, not only with their fitness and nutritional needs, but with their emotional self as well.

It is such a pleasure to do something for someone, or say something to them, that makes them feel better. The giver is really the biggest receiver in this transaction.

My G.P.S. for Total Health program has helped quite a few young women with nutritional, exercise, meditation, and mindfulness education and guidance. I raise money through donations and grants to fund their classes and equipment that they get to keep when they are finished with the course.

At the end of the course the girls are asked to write a thank you letter to the sponsors. These letters will make you cry when you read them. They are so grateful for what they have learned during the session. But, I can honestly say that it is "Me" who receives the most from teaching this course. I am filled with so much joy when I get to work with these wonderful young women. It almost feels selfish of me, but that is my point.

If we would stop thinking so much about what we need, or want, or have, and put a little of that attention and effort into doing for someone else, happiness would be easier to find.

You don't have to make a grand gesture to help someone, it could be as simple as holding the door open for a stranger, or saying something kind to someone you know. Giving someone a smile is also an uplifting thing to do. This world can always use a little more kindness from any of us.

So if you are feeling down, or bored, or just tired of always thinking about your own needs, try doing something uplifting to someone else. You will feel good when you do, and that is what it is all about!

Till Tomorrow,

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