Sunday, January 17, 2010

Health Benefits of Kindness and Compassion

For much of the past five days, I have been focused on the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti. The loss of life and devastation of this country is beyond my comprehension. I can not imagine what that kind of pain and struggle would be like.

Watching the thousands of people wounded and dying leaves me with such a helpless feeling, but at the same time feeling so blessed for the life that I have, and the choices that are available to me.

I am angered when I hear people disagree with sending money to help the Haitians. They believe we should only help people in the United States. They seem to lack the compassion for other human beings that aren't Americans. Kindness and compassion should not be determined by what country someone is from. We need to be kind and compassionate when others are in such dire need, no matter where they reside.

Did you know that people who practice compassion and kindness are proven to be healthier and live longer? It's true. 60% of all doctor visits are related to stress. Being kind and compassionate to others is similar to meditating. The benefits are feeling euphoric, calm, and relaxed. There can also be a gain in self esteem.

Numerous scientific studies have proven that acts of kindness result in significant health benefits, both mental and physical.

All of these wonderful things happen to you physically and mentally by being nice or helpful to another human being. Its a win win for everyone.

So what can you do for the people in Haiti? You and your friends could organize a bake sale or car wash to raise money and donate it to the Haiti relief fund. You might collect clothing and find an organization that will be shipping clothing to the Haitians. Ask your relatives to donate five dollars each to your Haiti fund. Get the kids at school to give you their change to be donated to this country in need. As little as it might seem, it will make a difference in someones life.

Three dollars will buy a child a blanket and a few cents pays for hydration tablets. Five dollars will help to buy much needed food and medicine. It is such a small price to pay to be able to help someone survive this catastrophic event.

While you are helping improve the life of someone else by giving in what ever way you can, you will be healthier and happier for it.

Till tomorrow,

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