Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hair's The Thing...

The "thing" is that I won't have any hair trials or hair inspiration posts for you.  Why is this? Well, it's because I'm (gasp!) doing my own hair for the wedding.  Mostly because I am just THAT psycho about my hair and don't trust anyone else to do it properly! Fortunately for me, one of my bridesmaids was practically raised in her mother's posh salon in Boston which specializes in curly hair.  She's got curly hair, she knows curly hair and she's going to help me do my (sort-of, mostly, almost) curly hair for W-day.  I'm confident in this decision and happy to save some cash-money what what by doing this.

I know I want to wear it mostly down, as curly as it can get, with a few front pieces pinned back (almost a half-up, half-down style.)  I also know that I want to wear a wreath of flowers.  I don't really know where this desire came from but it's been stuck in my mind from day one so I'm pretty sure that's what I'm going to do.

It's definitely gotta be on the small and delicate side to avoid looking like a flower girl circa 1985:

Holy flower wreath, batgirl!

No, not the look I am going for, mmmmmkay? But traversing the internets for inspiration proved a bit difficult...

Sidenote: When I first google-image searched "hair wreath," I received a wealth of pictures involving antique, framed decorative wreaths of actual human hair. EWWWWWW!!!!! Definitely had to add the word "wedding" to avoid looking at pictures of old hairs...That's a tip, kids, write it down :)

Anyways, surprisingly, small, delicate flower (not human) hair wreaths are either out of vogue right now or just simply hard to find pictures of because the majority were either huge (like, seriously big), fake (involving lots of polyester and fake pearls...non!) or for a flower girl.  But I persevered through all the fun wedding blogs (Style Me Pretty, Once Wed,Snippet and Ink, etc, etc...You know them all, don't deny it!) and eventually managed to find a few that were along the lines of what I was looking for...

I like this one.  A lot.  I want the flowers to be smaller and a bit more organic but other than that, wouldn't change a thing...

I love this one too, only I want mine to wrap all the way around my head and possibly have a few ribbons hanging off the back.  But I think the look is so beautiful (and remember, my hair will be down so the wreath will have to be a bit higher on my head...)

This is the picture that stopped me in my tracks.  Soft, simple and understated with a dash of hippie-chic thrown in for good measure. Isn't her dress a dream? The flower wreath suits her perfectly. I love this picture because it's exactly the look and theme I want to convey.  Le gorgeous...

So that's my hair-speration for you, what do you think? Is the wreath of flowers hippie-overkill? Will the ribbons hanging down be too flower-girlish? Anyone else wearing a flower wreath?

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