Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Could This Be the End of Sanity?

I wrote this for a special someone with a brief history of Slut from Slutville. :) I hope you realize what you've been doing is wrong. It's okay that you're friends with every guy on Earth, but please, DO respect your body and stop it with the 'I-know-you-want-to-touch-and-hold-this' vibe. It's scaring the girls crap-less and stealing the boys brainless. We chics might just form a mob and impale you with vibrators!

To the tune of Teenage Dream by Katy Perry:

You! Are! A! fuh-reakin' teenage bitch!
Your! Face! Well, baby, it makes me sick!
I! Cant! Stop! i had to write this song...
So dont gimme that face!
Just go get yourself raped!
Danny, dont get me hooked on Family Guy 's perverted stuff. Cause whatever show i fall in love with, my Daddy has a tendency of 'loving' it too. And i dont want this awkward moment where i have to explain to him what's going on on TV. Because that happened for Scary Movie and it wasnt the best feeling. My daddy's a man. And we all know how much men know. Hahaha!

Work has been tiring me out lately. Yep, i'm not ready for the 'working-woman' scene yet. My life will be like it is on Sex And The City one day. XD Cause i'm awesome. and The Flick has already sworn to it. And Aryna and I, we make a hell load of dramas...

The list as follows:
1- The Saga of Darren Shan (book) = The Chronicles of Chevalier and Sails ]
2- Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant >> we fell in love with Darren Shan. a.k.a. Chris Massoglia. While we were dying Aryna's hair BLACK. You hear that Aryna?? PALSUU!
3- The Christopher Pike duo book club
4- The 5v3 wives
5- The Russian Princess (Aryna) and the slave that tried to get away
6- The Malaysian Un-Hollywoode-ed Uncensored Check-It-out girls (Sonny with a Chance)
7- My rendition of Romeo and Juliet >>>> Jomeo and Ruliet.
8- WAGs- Wife and Girlfriends of Footballers (Worldcup Season)
* Aryna and Cristiano Ronaldo's affair that led to a baby which was NEVER born.

we did many more.. i just cant think of any at the moment...

I found this:

Porn will save the world
Well...the world is overpopulated,
If more people watch porn, they will masturbate and will have no need for sex.
No sex means no childen.
No childen means the population will decrease.
Yay for porn.

So wow, yeah, its been an incredibly wonderful day, except for the sudden PMS moodswinging and the emotional turmoil. And lunch? Fucking good. Oh yes, and I was playing with my aunt's brother's baby, and i was just bending down when he whacked my face. Fudge you li'l baby! :( It hurt. So technically, i let a baby 'beat' me up.

Oh well, I want to have a baby one day. I wonder if he/she will beat me up too...

Nites, dolls. :)

Call me a slut, call me a whore
If you dont like me, there's the door.

call me Anaroxic, call me fat
I can put it on or I can lose that.

Call me annoying, call me dumb
Excuse me, Miss, i'm just having fun.

Call me a flirt, call me fake
That's just me so gimme a break!

Call me weird, call me a geek
call me what you want..
I'm just unique.

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