Thursday, March 3, 2011

Amy Chua Tiger Mom "mums" book american chinese dragon mums "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother"

there is a book "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother" by a american chinese women on how she brought up her children called being a tiger moms or mums, but this book has caused some controversy because it is said to be too hard a parenting style, which has gotten the name dragon mums, people say the book is too harsh a way to bring up children.

so basically the controversy is whether the things outlined in this book are a okay way to raise a child.

this is the video of Juju Chang on good morning america interviewing Amy Chua about her book tiger mum, oh can't embed that video no embedding enabled, but you can watch it on youtube by typing in juju chang amy chua interview.

found this video instead, Emily Luk: A Tiger Daughter Weighs In.

"The Amy Chua Effect: What is it like being the child of Chinese immigrant parents in the Western world? A young Chinese-Canadian woman gives us her perspective."



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