Saturday, November 6, 2010

We want pre-nups!

Empty shelves.

Empty rooms.

Memories of laughing, crying, singing
 and eating crepes fill the space.

My roommate and I got a divorce yesterday.

I guess I should clarify that my roommate moved out because our pets don't get along.  She has a funny cat named Oscar and I have a large, fluffy dog named Steve.  Steve really just wants to love Oscar...and Oscar just runs away from Steve.  We kept hoping that they would make it work, but there was just too much anxiety for both of them.  Thankfully, Laura was able to get a new apartment in the same courtyard, so I could probably throw rocks onto her porch from my porch, if I really wanted to.

Even though I'm mourning the loss of my roommate and trying to figure out how to fill the gazillion shelves that these LSTC apartments seem to have, I was really inspired by our friends.  A bunch of our classmates showed up yesterday morning to help Laura move her stuff.  We all have lots of papers to be writing and assignments to be submitting, but they came to help her move twenty-five feet out the door.  For some of these friends, it's the second time that they've dropped what they were doing for our apartment.  Some of them helped move my furniture in several weeks ago when my brother delivered it via truck.

So, thanks, LSTCers.  You move me...and Laura.  :)

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