Sunday, November 28, 2010

Congrats, Here's One Plate

Hey there Hive, I'd like your input on this one.  Allow me to elaborate...We have friends who are celebrating their engagement with a fairly fancy-schmancy party (whoohoo, I love fancy parties!) in a few weeks.  Great, grand, wonderful, right? Right, but I want everyone's opinions on something-the gift for the party.

I was browsing their registries yesterday (one was at Crate and Barrel and the other was at Bloomingdale's) and couldn't quite come up with a suitable present (I'm mega-weird about presents. Don't ask.) While the stuff at Crate and Barrel was nice, it lacked a certain j'ne sais quoi. I guess I think presents should be special, something splurge-worthy, and nothing from C and B really jumped out screaming to me as the perfect gift.

Which leaves the Bloomingdale's registry.  Suh-weeeet! Well, here's the thing:They registered (as many couples do) for a set of fine china for twelve.  Beautiful stuff (from Bernadaud. Yum) but fairly expensive for a plate.

See? Suuuuuper pretty plates! The bride has excellent taste (at least, I'm assuming the bride is the one who picked these out although I suppose I could be wrong on that.)

First off, let me be explicitly clear and say that in no way am I judging the couple for their pricey registry choices.  If anything, all it's making me do is wish we had registered for fine china (and about a million other things.  Damn me and my principled, anti-presents, pre-wedding self!) but we didn't.

Since it's an engagement party and not the actual wedding, I'd like to keep our gift in the $100 price range.  And as I mentioned before, I prefer to give presents that are something the receiver would not buy for themselves instead of just a random kitchen item or whatever.  In short, I'd like to get them some of their fine china, because I know if I had registered for it, I'd be hella excited to actually start receiving pieces.

So here's my question: Is it weird to gift the couple plate? See, it sounds strange, right? I mean, they registered for a service for twelve, so most likely everything's going to come in bits and pieces and not as a whole (unless they have extremely generous wedding guests, in which case I will be very, very jealous.  Don't judge me, I like presents and shiny new toys. Shush.) I could also do, um, three bread plates or two coffee cups.

What do you think? Would you think it was bizarre to receive a single plate as a present, even if said plate did  reach the gift-giver's generous budget? Or should I just suck it up and pick out a few things from good ol' Crate and Barrel? If you registered for fine china, I'd be especially curious to hear your opinion on the matter!

Has anyone else had this conundrum before? What did you do, buy the single plate or look for something else?

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