Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Be Cautious About the Heat

I live in Santa Ynez Valley, which is beautiful and magical most of the year. Our summers tend to get into the temperatures in the 90's and 100's. This year we have had the most delicious summer in that our temperatures have averaged high seventies and eighties.... until yesterday.

As I drove back from Santa Barbara today, my car temperature gauge read 107'. Our heat has arrived! We can't complain since it is already the end of August and we are just now getting the heat, while the rest of the country has been dealing with high temperatures and storms all summer. Now that the heat has come, I wanted to touch on some of the important things to keep you healthy and sunstroke free!

Dehydration is a typical thing that can happen in these kind of temperatures. It is so important to drink a lot of clear water while you are out in it. You should be drinking around 64 ounces a day if you are following the guidelines of the health industry. When you are out in heat, you need to drink at least that, and more if you are out and active. It is recommended that you have an extra 8 oz of clear water for every fifteen minutes you are moving around in the heat.

Another thing that you should be cautious of is not being too active in this kind of heat. It is not the best time to run, bike ride, or engage in any cardiovascular activity, except for swimming, when temperatures are in the high nineties and up into the hundreds. Even when you are young, you can be effected negatively from getting over heated while exercising.

When it gets this hot, I either exercise outdoors early in the morning, or early in the evening, when the temperature is a bit cooler. I have never been able to handle the heat from the time I was very young. I have had heatstroke twice, and I can tell you it is not fun. If you suffer from heatstroke you will feel lethargic, tired, weak, dizzy, pale, head achy, and nauseous. It is important to get water and find a cool place to cool yourself down if you are feeling these symptoms. Severe cases require going to the hospital.

Don't forget to apply your sunscreen when you are out in this intense sun. Many times it is smart to re-apply several times during the day if you are spending some time outside. This kind of heat makes it too hard to lay in the sun, if you are still a sun bather, best to wait until it is cooler, again in the early morning or late afternoon.

So enjoy what is left of the summer, but be wise about the heat. It can be very dangerous to your health if you are not taking the right precautions. I find it more comfortable inside my air conditioned home....can't take the heat!

Till Tomorrow,

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