What would a perfect day look like if you were taking care of your body, mind, and soul, for its optimum health? Well, it would go something like this.
Throughout the day you will be drinking water to get in your minimum of 64 oz. (see blog on importance of water)
Throughout the day you will be in positive thought and conscious mindfulness. (see blog on mindfulness and mind chatter)
After waking up, and before getting out of bed, begin your morning stretch routine for about ten minutes. (see my blog on morning stretch)
When that is done, find a quiet spot that is comfortable and go into a morning meditation. This is a time that you can visualize your day going smoothly, and successfully in what ever endeavors you will be doing. Be in gratitude for having this day to be alive. (see the meditation blog)

Now you are ready for a healthy breakfast. You know what to choose....natures food. Eggs, whole grain cereal, oatmeal, fruit, yogurt, and protein drinks, are a few of the things that are on the healthy choice menu!
Now you are off to school, or if you are one of my "big girls" that read this, you are either off to work or working at home. Remember to "do your best" at what ever it is you have planned for the day. (read the "Four Agreements" blog)
A mid morning healthy snack is next. This keeps your metabolism burning and gives you more energy to accomplish your tasks.
When lunch

After finishing your day at school, its time to do some exercise. Running, biking, track work, or a game sport is a perfect way to accomplish this. Throw in a few sets of push ups, tricep dips, and abdominal crunches, and you have a complete workout. Finish with a ten minute stretch and you will feel fabulous.

Have another one of your healthy snacks after you exercise as a reward for your hard work.
At dinnertime you will eat protein, vegetables, and if you want to, add a little whole grain to the meal. You might have chicken, fish, or lean beef with steamed vegetables and a salad. Yummy, and so good for you.
Ending your day with a bath or shower before bed is always refreshing. Your muscles will be warmed from the bath and that is a good time to do another little stretch. Follow that with a evening meditation of thankfulness and gratitude for all of your blessings.
Now you are ready for a good nights rest. Remember to get 8 to 9 hours of sleep. (see blog on sleep)

Now that is a perfect day! I know it is difficult to always have days where you can fit it all in, but try to make this day a goal for yourself. It is about taking care of your entire being. It is about being the best, and feeling the best that you possibly can. It will help you to achieve whatever your heart desires!
Getting what you want out of life while being healthy of body, mind, and spirit is a good goal to have.
Till Tomorrow,
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