Monday, February 22, 2010

Books to Read for Body, Mind, and Soul

There is so much information out there to assist you on your journey of optimum health for body, mind, and soul. Here are some of my favorite books that I have found to be helpful in my quest of a "Better Self".

Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen's books about health are the best, reader friendly, books on that subject. I think they are some of the best ever written to explain how our bodies work. Their first book called, "YOU The Owner's Manual" is a book that will help you to understand how the body works, and what it needs and doesn't need.

These two Dr.'s are brilliant in their ability to teach us how to stay healthy, and keep ourselves feeling and looking young. This book has life saving facts and info to guide you on your path to well being.

They have also authored "You on a Diet", "You Staying Young", "You Having a Baby", and "You Being Beautiful". I highly recommend all of these if you are interested in learning how best to care for yourself.

I have already mentioned the book "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz in a past blog. I have to recommend to you once again. It is truly a list of four things that if you choose to live by, you will have a much more peaceful existence.

Don Miguel Ruiz has just written a new book called, "The Fifth Agreement". It deals with the subject of "Be skeptical, but learn to listen". The author talks to us about how we can determine the truth from the non truths. I love all of his books.

Dr. Wayne Dyer has published numerous books through the years. His most recent, "Excuses Be Gone" is one of my favorites. Dr. Dyer helps you see the things that might hold you back in life and gives advice on how to change your self defeating habits.

Another one of Dyer's books I think is helpful is, "Being in Balance". It is an easy read with great advice on balancing your thoughts and emotions for a healthier You!

I have a book called, "Power Sculpt"by Paul Frediani. This book gives great illustration and instruction on using an exercise ball for training. It is thorough and easy to follow. Remember all you need to get a good strength training workout is an exercise ball. With this book, you will have a variety of exercises to perform and instruction for perfect form.

Lance Armstrong is probably the best cyclist of all time. He conquered the Tour de France race seven times in a row, something that had never been done before, and may never be done again. The most amazing thing about Lance though, is not that fact, but the fact that he did this following a bout of Cancer where he only had a 4% chance of living.

His book, "Its Not About The Bike; My Journey Back to Life" is a great read. Lance has written several other books. Among them are, "Comeback 2.0 Up Close and Personal", "Every Second Counts", and "Lance Armstrong's Performance Program; Seven Weeks to a Perfect Ride."

If you want to be inspired and truly understand challenge and survival, read a Lance Armstrong book. You will not be sorry.

There is a little book, very easy to read, and full of honest information about what you should and should not eat. I love this book. If you want to be healthy, feel good, and lose some fat, this book will give you everything you need to know about eating healthy. It is called, "Food Rules" by Michael Pollan. If you don't read any other book I have recommended, read this one.

So if you want to be healthy of body, mind, and soul, these books can assist you in that desire. Happy Reading!

Till Tomorrow,

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