Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Traditional vs Non-Traditional: Where Do You Stand?

If it was completely up to me, our wedding would be pretty non-traditional. I'd love to incorporate some fun ideas I've seen in the online wedding world (Krispy Kreme donuts instead of a cake? YES PLEASE!) But alas, Mr Trail Mix is actually surprisingly traditional when it comes to weddings and has shot down a lot of my ideas (Cocktail-style dinner reception and signature drink options are two that come to mind.) But in spite of his many protests, I have managed to incorporate a bit of non-traditional flair into our wedding, as well as doing away with a few traditions I wasn't excited about. Here's the rundown:

1. I'll tell you a little secret: I'm not wearing a veil (Hope Mr Trail Mix doesn't read this...Ok, who am I kidding, there is no way he's reading this). I love veils on other brides but it just didn't feel right for me. I tried a few on at Kleinfeld's when I bought my dress but they didn't make me feel any more bridal. And truthfully, I've always seen myself walking down the aisle wearing a wreath of flowers with ribbons down the back. And that's what I'm planning on wearing. Something like this, only a little smaller and more delicate:

2. We're abandoning the bouquet/garter toss traditions. Not only do I dislike the idea of putting my single friends on the spot, why would I want to throw something so pretty?

Well, actually, I'll be giving it away after the anniversary dance (a new tradition that I'd never heard of until I got engaged and started reading wedding blogs but I LOVE the idea.) The garter toss makes me uncomfortable and Mr TM didn't care about doing it so that went out the window as well.

3. I already posted about our cake. We're not having much of one, just a little presentation cake to cut to make the relatives happy. Then it's strawberry delicious goodness.

4. I want to walk down the aisle to the Beatles' song "In My Life" and the wedding party to walk down to the Beatles' song "Here Comes The Sun." I know I'm not the first one to think of this but it's definitely not "Canon in D."

I would have pushed the boundaries of tradition even more if it weren't for Mr Tradition Mix. But since weddings and marriage are all about compromise, I decided to let the boy have his say. Things such as an ice cream truck for dessert, Asian-themed dinner and blue grass band all went by the wayside. I'm ok with giving some of these things up because ultimately, this wedding is a reflection of the two of us. And I think it's going to be pretty damn amazing, regardless of how traditional it is.

What's non-traditional about your wedding?

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