Friday, September 25, 2009

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

At least, my girls do...This is a post dedicated to my amazing bridesmaids. P and I both wanted to keep the wedding party small, so it was not easy having to "choose" friends. I consider myself blessed with many close girlfriends and truthfully, I could have had a bridal party twice the number we ended up with. But for a variety of reasons, ultimately it made sense to keep the number down and so we decided on 4 each. Each of my bridesmaids brings a unique perspective and I value their opinions very much. And so, without further ado, here are my lovelies:

1. Maid of Honor- Her given name starts with an R but she's known as Pippi by all her high school friends (her fantastic nickname caught on in 3rd grade and she hasn't been able to escape it since!) She's been my best friend since 7th grade, when I started a new school and didn't know anyone. We bonded over our love of the 60's hippie culture and the Anne of Green Gables books. It's been more than 14 years of friendship and having her as my MOH was something we decided on a long time ago. Here's a picture of the two of us with another friend from high school (Pip is the one with red hair and freckles (shocking, huh?) on the right).

2. Bridesmaid D (or my little moo-shu Jew, as I call her since she's half Chinese and half Jewish) is a college girlfriend whom I hold near and dear to my heart. Although I didn't really become friends with D until the very end of college, I'm so glad I did because she is truly a soul sister. Here's a picture of us, along with bridesmaid J, after I ran the NYC Marathon last year (they made signs, how cute is that??)

3. Speaking of bridesmaid J, there she is on the left of me in that picture. As I've mentioned before, J is a photo editor at Martha Stewart Living magazine and she is my go-to for wedding decor decisions (she's the one who found the blue mason jars, remember?). She's also totally awesome.

4. And finally, bridesmaid JEW, who is called that not because she is of the Jewish faith but because those are actually her initials. JEW rounds out the fab four and she's another college dear heart. I don't get to see her as much as I would like since she lives in Boston (where she's a cheerleader for a certain professional football team there) but it's always a good time when we hang out. JEW is also in charge of my hair and make-up for the big day, since she was practically raised in the salon her mom owns and runs. Here's a photo of us with bridesmaid J (JEW is inthe middle, J is to the right and I'm to the left) last winter:

So there you have it. My wonderful, beautiful bridesmaids. They're the ones who are going to get me through all the wedding trials and tribulations and share all the fun projects and parties. I love them all to death and couldn't imagine getting married without these four standing up there with me.

How did you choose your bridesmaids? Was it an easy or hard decision?

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