Monday, September 26, 2011

Chapel twice in one day...Must be seminary!

As the day ends, what I remember the most was chapel. I was put in charge of arranging chapel for this Monday with my Systematics professor Lea Schweitz being the preacher and me being the assisting minister. It was my first time planning worship at LSTC, and although it was rather simple with no communion or any extras, I felt myself quite nervous. Not really thinking last week when I was approached by some classmates of mine, I agreed to play guitar for Holden Evening Prayer at a night worship that was being started this semester. This was not at all regret, because I love to play guitar and I love Holden Evening Prayer, but sometimes at LSTC, we all have tendencies to be helpful before checking our schedules. So this weekend I prepped for both, practicing guitar in my room for Monday night's 8 PM service (Roby Chapel, right) and writing and rewriting the prayers of intercessory for the day service at 11 AM (Augustana Chapel, left). Writing now I can say that both services went quite smoothly, and were very enjoyable. I really loved Lea's words about questions that we ask, as she laid out some wonderful stories of her family, and reflected on the Matthew 21 text. My friends Alex Raabe and Bekki Lohrmann, again created an amazing worship space filled with candles and a cross that they built only a couple of weeks ago. I felt honored to lend my creativity and ability to these experiences, although feeling much more like the widow giving her mite around such amazing minds. One part that I have saved for last was my risk of the day...I used the refrain from a more popular Matisyahu (Jewish hip hop folk songwriter) song, "One Day" in my intercessory prayer as the people's response. Not too big a risk, but it involved enlisting my angelic voiced roommate to come up and teach the song. I have placed the words below and I hope that will ring true for you as it does for me and hopefully this community here at LSTC.

"All my live I've been waiting for
I've been praying for
For the people to say
That we don't wanna fight no more
They'll be no more wars
And our children will play
One day..."

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