Friday, April 8, 2011

A Picture Says a Thousand Words


My Lenten discipline was to immerse my spirit and pouring out through words in poetry. For about 12 days this actually worked and I was rather surprised of the rhythm that set the tone of my mornings.

And then the semester descended upon me.

Although awaking to the growing glow of dawn energized me for classes, papers and other projects it sapped me creatively. Then again, perhaps it didn't. What was to be accomplished through writing poetry everyday? Or refraining from sugars and other temptations? Not swearing? Was this a way to prove that we could be worthy through works? Has Lent become a time of penance where we attempt to make up for all of our faults and weakness throughout the year?

And yet, I found freedom each morning as I wrote and could go out into the day, tackling a full day of classes, allowing the Holy Spirit to sing within, connecting me with my Creator. Perhaps it is through these positive outpourings that we are all attached to the fabric of Mother Earth, happiness vibrating and allowing healing to this troubled world.

God's Peace.

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