Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Just Go With It

starring my favourite Hollywood celebs:

Jennifer Aniston


Adam Sandler

Who did i go with?
Kirjan. my friend Kirjan. my so-called-date.

Number 1 :
Not nice when the girl pays for both your tickets.

Number 2:
Not very pleasant when the boy hardly opens his mouth to talk and you keep striking conversations, only then he replies.

Number 3:
Not very comfortable when we talk about past relationships. At least, not so fast.

Number 4:
Not very nice to keep a date waiting!

I shouldn't complain so much. Ugh.

Anyway, the movie started at 3:35 pm, and ended at about 5:30 something.

I didn't wear a dress, because i realized this inst a special date. LOL. i just wore a black sleeveless top and white pants with my sneaks. But i took time drying my hair, applying sunscreen, and foundation.

Here's an honest truth : I miss my long hair, but i DO love my new short hair.

I cut my hair because it reminded me of you.
I know you like the long-do
I had to switch my attitude.

I did my Form 6 shopping too. :) I just couldn't wait. I bought two new cardboard files, 2 Pilot pen refills, and 6-in-1 cello tape.

I bought 3 Big Apple donuts. i comfort-ate again. Seriously, i didn't come between anyone. I didn't cause any break ups. I'm not that kind.

I miss Natalie.

I think i need to buy stuff. BUY BUY BUY.

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