Friday, April 8, 2011

January Jones Says 'Mad Men' Doesn't Pay That Well!

Uh oh, I think she's going to regret saying this!

January Jones, who plays Betty Draper on the hit show 'Mad Men' has said that she doesn't get paid that much and either do the other cast members! The show has been under large constraints this year, as producers weren't sure if the show would get the green light again. January said in an interview that the show doesn't pay that well:
"Financially, we don’t get paid very much on the show and that’s well-documented. On the other hand, when you do television you have a steady paycheck each week, so that’s nice."
Well documented? I've never heard those rumours before. I wonder is she just getting paid less and the rest are doing quite well? Although I absolutely love the show (my favourite in fact) I can't help but think January isn't the best actress. After seeing her in Liam Neelson's flick Unknown I got the impression that she can't really diversify her characters.

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