Monday, April 11, 2011

The Game Plan

Not the movie with THE ROCK in it. In my opinion, he is an awesome Elvis impersonator. :)

Anyway, The Game Plan i'm talking about is a 5 month plan for a few minor adjustments here and there in our lives.

** 'Our' could be anyone in the world doing a bit of soul-searching. 'Our', to me is between me and a friend. A good friend.

Danny needs a bit of soul-searching because, he's been through a lot ever since. Many changes took place between that time period, i was told. Hopefully this will last. On his holiday, he plans to keep away from his friends. Maybe Australia. I suppose he'll be away from Skype too. He's already away from Facebook. It's total seclusion. Wow, maybe Aryna'll be happy that she can have me all to herself on Skype. hahahahaha! Jealous of Danny. Maybe.

5 months from now, when Danny comes back, I will probably be surprised. I dont know about it, though. It's going to be the 'we've come a long way' moment. I hope he stays the same but isnt the same. It doesnt make sense. Something that makes him perfect. I do feel sorry when he's so lost like that. 5 months should do good for him. Maybe a different coloured shirt. Maybe no more long sleeves. Not too colourful though- it'll look pimp-ish. And hopefully a new haircutthat doesnt cover his eyes. Maybe those arms will be fantastic-er. hahaha! See, many 'maybe's.

I'm not extremely sure about what he's going to change about himself. But i have a few things i'd like to change about me.

For starters: I'm going to continue eating 2 bananas a day. Sliced. By Daddy. :) And on weekends, with a treat: whip cream. :D

just sliced for everyday purposes

for a bit of indulgence once a week. it wont kill me. :)

I'm gonna start making use of these dresses.... like a girl would.

Other than that, i'll spend wisely...

... coloured hairspray. i don't know which colour i should get!! if i get all four cans, I'll have to spend RM18x4. :(
... my lingerie. Mummy shall provide the money... Unless any other pimps out there would like to send me the cash...
... a manual that teaches me how to wax my hair. Ugh! It's lying away in the drawer!
... a few more dresses. hahahaha! I love dresses!
... socks!!! i love those coloured socks with very cute patterns and designs on them! Like the one in Sox World. hee. oh yeah. i want those boxer shorts from Sox World too. I love Stripes. :)

As you can see, i'm a BIG FAN OF COLOUR. :D

I dont know. i'm just waiting for my hair to grow a wee bit longer. Just like Ashlee Simpson.

And i think I'll be slathering on Vaseline Whitening Lotion on myself before i go out anywhere. Apparently it works as a skin moisturizer, a whitener and as sunscreen.

And i will religiously cleanse my face with my cleanser, toner and moisturizer everyday: When i wake up at 5.30 a.m. in the morning for school, when i shower after school and before i go to sleep that night.

And i will wash and CONDITION my hair every 2 days. Ain used to bug-out when i told her i don't condition my hair. Apparently that's why its so kusut. But i like being a bedhead... Oh well. I'll enjoy my bedhead on Saturday mornings. :)

For breakfast, i'll have half-boil eggs and milk. on weekends, i think i'll have cereal. I have a bit if expensive taste. No one in my house eats cereals. Not as often, anyway. And I'll go for a jog in the evenings.

[If the world wasn't such a scary place anymore, it'd be so beautiful to go running and encountering nature -minus the bugs- and breathing in fresh air.]

One of my besties, Kelly Chan, has started wearing earrings in public. I'm so happy for her. I think i should do it more often too. Oooh! I think i should wear red lippie in public more often. A suitable red. Not a hooker-red colour.

I cant think of anything else right now. I'm tired. Anyway, i'm thinking of when i turn 18. Thats like 60 days away. I'm pretty excited. :)

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