Thursday, April 7, 2011

Charlie Sheen Says He Wants Mila Kunis To Move In!

This guy just gets more insane every day!

Charlie Sheen has said that he would like Mila Kunis to move in with him and his two 'Goddesses'!

The former Two and a Half Men star said that his live-in partners Bree Olsen and Natalie Kenly would like the Black Swan actress to be living in their home! During one of his sold out 'Violent Torpedo of Truth' shows Charlie told the crowd of his new infatuation:
"Here's the good news - my goddesses have already f**king approved her. She's pre-approved! I would have great tolerance for many missing items provided it involves Mila f**king Kunis. If Mila Kunis is stealing your s**t, trust me, you're still f**king winning, you're still winning at that moment."

Charlie then went on to tell the audience how he plans to get the 27-year-old to move in to his Malibu pad:
"You know what I'm gonna do? I'm going to go on her Facebook page and discover her likes. I'm going to buy them all and then she can come steal them. A super f**king hot thief named Mila Kunis. 'Mila, please, we have a warehouse full of your favourite s**t for you to steal in Sherman Oaks'."

Although he did admit that he tried to have three girlfriends at the same time before, when he included ex-wife Brooke Mueller in his circle of Goddesses:
"I tried f**king three. It doesn't work."
This guy seems more insane every day!

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