Wednesday, April 6, 2011


As I explained in my last post, I’m currently playing the waiting game, checking my email and cell phone constantly in hopes of hearing about first call opportunities in the Southwest California Synod. Naturally, there are distractions – classes, work – but this kind of pins-and-needles waiting requires an even higher level of distraction. In other words, baseball.

In the spring of my first year at seminary, I was somehow convinced to attend a White Sox game after chapel; being April in Chicago, it actually snowed while we froze in the stands that afternoon. No matter. We carried our mitts to class the rest of the year, running down to the LSTC courtyard during every five-minute classroom break to practice our fielding skills. When we discovered our latent rivalries, we made plans to attend Cubs-Brewers showdowns, complete with trips to the North Side and Milwaukee and stories that grew in the telling. We added more teams on internship and first call, becoming secondary Tigers and Mariners and Dodgers fans; though we’ll never give up our first love, seminary makes a free agent out of you, if you haven’t learned already…

So it should come as no surprise that last weekend, as the Cubs opened Wrigley Field for the season, I found myself at the Friendly Confines with my friend Adam, who is now serving his first call in Chicago’s northwest suburbs. Adam is a die-hard Brewers fan, but since starting seminary he married a Cubs fan, so you’ll be able to find him at that bricks-and-ivy ballpark more than once this summer. In any case, Sunday was a beautiful day for a baseball game, with no snow or freezing rain in sight, but with plenty of peanuts and sunflower seeds for all.

Sadly, my Cubbies lost. Again. Oh well. At least there are a few more weeks of basketball left. And so, naturally, we went to the Bulls game last night…

For more photos from our day, check out the photo album:

Opening Weekend in Wrigleyville

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