Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Viva Venezuela! Part Two

We survived our tiny, scary plane ride and arrived in Los Roques Parque Nacional, ready for five days of sun, fun and relaxation and we were not disappointed in any way.  In fact, it was pretty damn near perfect.

Our routine went basically like this...Wake up, watch the first World Cup game with a bunch of crazy Europeans and eat a delicious, home-cooked breakfast of eggs, bread, arepas, churros, etc. (Breakfast was definitely one of the highlights of my day, it was SO good! And they served Pepsi at breakfast, which may not be the healthiest option to start off one's day but hey, I was on my honeymoon and Pepsi at 7:30 am hold a slightly trashy appeal :) ) 

After stuffing our faces and gathering up all our beach gear, we would head for the docks in town.  Once there, we boarded our posada's speed boat (posada is the Spanish term for "inn") and were driven to one of the many, many little islands that form the archipelago of Los Roques.

Since all meals were included in our stay, our posada packed us a yum-a-licious picnic lunch of fruit, sandwiches, salad, cookies, beer, soda, water, etc to take with us in a cooler and once we got to whichever beach we were visiting on that day, one of the workers on the boat would set up an umbrella and two chairs and ask when we would like to be picked up and brought back to the mainland.  It was that simple and yes, it was as amazing as it sounds. Ahhhhhh, heaven...

Here we are on the boat, heading to the beach on our first day there...

There were massive conch shells all over the beaches and the town.  In the town center, there was even a Christmas tree made out of them! (At least, we think it was a Christmas tree.  Otherwise, it was just a conical shape covered in conch shells, which is random.  But still cool.  And of course, I totally forgot to take a picture of it. Bad blogger.)

Oh, take me back there now, please.  Will you look at these beaches? Whose coming with me?

Los Roques has great fishing and Mr Trailmix is an avid fisherman.  He rented a pole and brought his own bait and tackle in the hopes of catching a bone fish or two, which are (according to him) great fighting fish.  Sadly, he was unsuccessful in his quest to catch a bone fish but he did hook a 6-foot barracuda!

Luckily, the thing managed to unhook itself after a few minutes of fighting because as macho as my man is, even Mr Trailmix knew that there was no way he was going to win fight a with a massive barracuda bare-handed.  Still, it makes for a good story and took away some of the disappointment over the bone fish.

See that figure all the way out there? That's Mr Trailmix out where the water drops off and where he snagged the 'cuda...

We lounged, we ate, we swam, we sunbathed, we took long walks on the beach and gathered up loads of sea shells...Just completely blissed out on the beach together.  Here we are, cooling off in the water because man, it was hot there. Being that close to the Equator really makes a difference!

We explored some of the island's rockier coasts, which sharply contrasted from the sandy beaches that comprised the other side...

And after we returned from the beach and relaxed for a bit, in the early evening before dinner, we'd hike up a mountain (it was a more like a hill but lets call it a mountain for posterity's sake) and watch the sunset. 

See that light house thing at the top? That's where we would hike to every night to take in views like this...

Gosh, I'd give anything to be back there right now...

So as you can see, Los Roques was a fantastic way to kick off our honeymoon.  It was relaxing, has unreal beaches, wonderful service from the posadas on the main island and plenty of activities to do, should you get bored of the beach (or in our case, extremely sunburned.)

Up next, a few of our more exciting adventures in Los Roques, including sea turtles, star fish and the best frutta di mar I've ever eaten!

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