Thursday, April 22, 2010

Teenage Driving Dangers!

Did you know that if you are 16 to 19 years old that you are in the age group for having the highest rate of car accidents? The number one cause of death for teens is automobile accidents. In 2008 nine teenagers ages 16 to 19 died each day from car accidents. That is nearly 3,300 senseless deaths per year for this age group.

Those are the teens that died, there are thousands more that are seriously injured each year. Many are paralyzed for life. Many are brain damaged. Many live, but kill a passenger and have to live with that each day for the rest of their life. Remember that making one mistake can be with you a forever.

There are many reasons why teens are more susceptible to car accidents. One of the biggest reasons is the lack of experience behind the wheel of a car. Teens do not have the ability to judge a dangerous or hazardous situation and make the proper decisions to avoid a collision.

Teens are also more likely to use risky behavior while driving. Because of their lack of driving experience they do not understand the consequences of taking such risks.

Male teens have a higher rate of accidents than females, nearly two times the rate of female drivers. Male teens have more of a need to show off, speed, and drink while driving. They also are more apt to not wear their seat belts while driving, or being a passenger in a car.

Teenagers also use excessive speed while driving. Their ability to handle a car at those speeds, or dealing with a dangerous situation while driving at high speed, is not there.

Then there is the whole texting thing. Teens have no idea the importance of being focused while driving, nor do they have the reflexes to handle an emergency situation as those of a seasoned driver. Texting is a ridiculous thing for anyone to do while driving, let alone an inexperienced driver like a teenager. No one should text while driving!

Three out of four teenage deaths from car accidents were alcohol related. When alcohol is involved with teen driving, seat belts are rarely used. This makes the accident even more dangerous and likely to cause death.

Many teens feel infallible to death. They do not realize the risks they take can end their life in an instant, as well as the passengers who are along for the ride. Car surfing is an example of their lack of understanding of how easy it is to risk their life for a momentary thrill.

Car surfing is where one teen rides on top of the car while another teen drives at high speed, performing risky maneuvers, and braking radically to try and force the teen who is riding on top to fall off the car. Not a very bright move for anyone involved with this activity. It is ignorant, stupid, and immature, at best.

There are laws in place that state that a new driver at age 16 can not have an underage passenger in the car with them without an adult present for the first year of driving. This only works if teens pay attention to the law. Unfortunately not all do.

So if you are a teenage driver, pay attention to the law. Focus on your driving and not any other activities while driving. Never drink and drive. Never get into a car as a passenger when the driver has been drinking.

Drive defensively, responsibly, and with caution so that you will not be one of the statistics of teenage automobile accidents.

Till Tomorrow,

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