Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Week.

As I’m sure you’ve heard, the beginning of a new semester at LSTC has been interrupted by a little snow. One of the most entertaining aspects of this is the state of University Avenue, where all of our cars still look like boats being overtaken by a river of snow.

I have been looking forward to the new semester, especially the opportunity to take classes with two professors who were on sabbatical last semester during this my only year here. Two of my four classes were snuck in before the storm, including Advanced Homiletics with Craig Satterlee, a class we the students get to help form. Unfortunately, Revelation with Barbara Rossing will have to wait another week. One of the gifts of studying at LSTC is the opportunity to study with top-notch faculty who are highly respected in their fields, and I am happy to take advantage of that while I am here.

But some of it will have to wait until next week, when everyone has had a chance to wield a shovel or two. The semester just started and we’re already having to dig ourselves out!

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