Friday, February 4, 2011

Life As we Know it.

Aryna the Aryan came over. :)Despite the toothache, we LOLed and GAHed at everything. Tepat-tepat 5pm, she shows up at my gate. To watch ICarly. Her cousin brother joined us. Yeas, we sorta did ditch him. He didnt say a word.. I felt so bad.. But what can I do?

So yes, she is confirmed, dating my ex. LOL. but he's cheating on her. with Liz Gillies on Victorious. Sorry hunnay, just decided to make you feel bad today. :) And i purposely chose a picture that might get you a li'l bit horny and imaginative in your secret world.

I really, on the other hand admire Liz Gillies for being able to act out the 'villainous bitch' in Victorious. Rings a bell about a lot of people I know (if you're reading this and you feel the pinch, maybe it's time for a change) throughout my 17 years and 7 months of life.

I also think she looks a little bit like Miss Lohan, BUT way better.

Anyway, back to Aryna.. We made very silly videos. Verry fun. and I wish I can upload them now.. But i'm just short of time.. Sigh. I went for a birthday dinner this evening. My awesome cousin Jude's birthday.The not-so-big-and-proud 14! :) And while at his house, i managed to do a few out-of-this-world Gaga things. I posed with their underwear, and bras, and whatnots. Even his grandmas undergarments. I want to be a rocker Gaga. :) Here is my favourite pic.

Mummy saw this picture and was like... 'whatttttthee..?' and my dad was like, 'hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha'. Well, he's a man. He cant resist temptation. :)
And I, as everybody's favourite family blogger..., just love to make stupid jokes and take random humiliating pictures. :) Funny. Even with my horrible gum-ache, I manages to eat 2 'tosais'. Woahoh. And a whole bowl of mutton. Well, who can resist mutton anyway?

My lovely cousin Maria asked me 'interviewed' me with her camera and she asked lotsa random questions. My 5 favourite questions were:
1- Why do you like living in Malaysia?
Me: Cause of the food.
2- What would you do if you had a boyfriend?
Me: Buy him food everyday.
3- What else will you do?
Me: Love him, pay for his movie tickets and make him happy.
4- But why dont you have a boyfriend?
Me: Cause ... I dont know. Maybe they are scared i feed them too much.
Jude said: Maybe they know you are evil.
5- So do you like anybody to be your boyfriend?
Me: Well, i just broke up with Avan Jogia, so the other boyfriend is in KL.

Guess what? She believed it. -.- OMG. KIDS! aghhh!I mean, its not necessary to have a boyfriend! I think its really weird when people younger than me come up to me to tell me they have a boyfriend/girlfriend and they ask me, 'Do you have one?' WTF?? Gah! Well, at least i'm patiently waiting for Cedric to clear his schedule and take me out for the candle light dinner we were talking about. Hahahaha! With no strings attached. And we both agreed it'll be the gossip of the neighbourhood. 'OMG? Did you hear that the Rozario girl is hgoing out with the Fernando boy?' Jesus, that'll be fun, wont it? Kiasu betul!

Well, I'm feeling a li'l nervous. This week has been mind blowing. Phailing my undang for the 2nd time.. dating my godsis and talking to strangers. hahah! *crap, daddy's reading this* talking to Cedric about candle light dinner. Braces. Gum-ache. 3rd undang test! Jesus, slow it down a li'l! I really need you here! *I can feel you all around me..- Flyleaf* I cant wait to get the scaling off my teeth. Sucks! Owchhh!

I've been trying to talk to daddy to drive me down to KL to go see my cousins. It's been wayy too long since i've met them. and it'll be so cool if we can catch up after all those times. I really wanna see them. And if they'd allow me, we could sneak out to catch Blister in Libido. I'm sure daddy wont mind. We'll just lock mummy in the carboot. ;)


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