Saturday, February 5, 2011

Achmed And I HATE Racist Bastards. :)

Well, so yes, this is a sensitive issue, but no matter what, i'm not talking about the rest of the world, but just you. yes, YOU.

I wont say your name out here. Ho- the number of 'fans' and 'readers' i have would hunt you and slap you the sorority life way.

Miss X, you are of a mixed breed, for goodness sake and you should enjoy the best of both worlds. Your dad is Indian and your mum is Chinese. There is so much to love about both cultures! What is it with you and 'OMG. I despise Indians.' Sweetie... tsk, tsk, tsk. Is this your way of saying, 'Fuck you, Dad!' or is it ' Ihatemyslfihatemyself.' ? hmmm? And well, since you hate Indians so much, I'm sorry to say you're a hypocrite. you eat Indian food. You have Indian friends. You live in a place of multiracial culture and a big group of them are Indians. God must really love you for protecting you this far from getting hurt.

Miss X, I am of mixed heritages and cultures. I am a perfect Malaysian delicacy, tracing back to centuries of recipes. My great grand father is a Portuguese Baba and he married a Portuguese Dutch. Their daughter married a Portuguese. My dad is a Portuguese man and he grew up in Malacca. HE married an Indian. My wonderful mum is Indian! I have flipped through countless amounts of cultures, including the Punjabi Hindi culture and Chinese because my dads' family is made up of so many wonderful things!

And guess what? I own it! I love the Kristang language as i can SWEAR at you and make you feel really stupid cause no one you know can explain what it means to you. And how the Kristangs live in life, entertainment and love. And i love the Chinese get-together sessions where everybody gets together and just eats and 'yamseng-s' all the way till dawn! And how the elders give the youngsters $. And i love the Indian culture where people eat with banana leaves and the food is beyond tasty. I love how Indians can just stuff mutton down their throat without caring about their health! And The costumes these Indian/Punjab people come up with- sequins, embroidery and glitter ALL THE WAY- is just more than a status quo!

I can love all these cultures, Miss X. Why can't you? Are you so ashamed of going out with Indians? Is India really that bad? I think, if we're talking about civilization between India and you, I'd probably vote for India. These people accept everyone not caring if they are white, black, yellow or any other colour from my Buncho Crayon Box.

Miss X, mixed people have really great qualities. If you are in denial of your Indian heritage, i'm here to say that maybe, there's nothing so great about you after all. People, people. I'm not saying that if you're of one straight culture, you're boring. Nope, thats not what i mean. I'm trying to say that we should all appreciate our cultures. Malays are really famous for dancing. I just love how you 'Eh Wau Bulan' and joget! MGSS Ipohs Kelab Kebudayaan is the best at it! And you Indian girls and guys~ have you watched Indian movies?? Have you seen how those people put the 'booty' in 'booty shaking'?? i love it when Natalie tells me, 'Juday, shake your bootay!'. Cause well, at least someone knows i use my tail-feather well. :) And Chinese movies! OG! dont ever say anything about comedy! You guys got the big C in comedy! And C is still a pass for SPM, btw. :) I was looking through the trailer for Mr and Mrs Incredible. I havent watched it. But the trailer itself made me laugh so hard, i scratched my tongue on my braces more. OWCH. Chinese actors are slim! Please, don't fly to Europe to admire your Fabregas and dream of your Torres (no doubt, he's cute) but instead, will you appreciate these Asian countries of your heritage first?

You're doing ballet arent you? I dont think the ballet culture likes you so much. Your thighs are just, too huge. Even my hip hop thighs look better. :) and i'd look good in a ballet suit better than you anyday. Why? Because i'm just saying, i'm WAY awesome than you, Miss X. It's okay. You might do better once you start appreciating the other 50% of you. Oh and please stop the make up caking on your face. Just stick to basics.


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