Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Bees Life: Trailmix Edition

I figured I throw my hat into the ring for this series since I remember when I was a reader, I always enjoyed hearing about the process of becoming a Bee...Plus, I don't have too much longer around these parts (SOB!) so I'm overstaying my welcome as long as I can...

Alrighty then, first things first: How did I find Weddingbee?

Let's see, I got engaged in March 2009and jumped right into planning mode, despite the fact that my wedding wasn't going to be until summer of 2010.  I hit up The Knot and Martha Stewart for inspiration but my greedy bride-to-be self wasn't satisfied with just those two, I wanted more, more, more!

So, I Googled.  I literally Googled "Wedding Blog" and waddya know? The Bee was the first one that came up.  I didn't really understand how it worked at first (the monikers really threw me for a loop) but it was Mrs Peeptoe's beautiful San Francisco wedding that really drew me in and from then on, I was hooked.  And by hooked, I mean rabidly obsessed.

I meandered over to the boards eventually and I fell in love with the inclusive, positive, build-you-up atmosphere.  I loved helping other brides by offering up my humble opinions and appreciated any and all feedback I got from my posts.

My Application Story

After reading the blog for about four or five months, I realized that maybe I could be a Bee blogger too, if I tried.  So I started a blog.  Which is hilarious in itself because I may or may not have been the person making fun of those with blogs before I became engaged.  And now, there I was, affianced and blogging. A little too ironic, as Alanis might say.

But I knew the acceptance rate for being a blogger was pretty slim, so I truly, honestly did not expect to be chosen.  I certainly did not expect to get a "Yes" on my first try! I had read about other Bees applying two or three times before getting picked, so I thought for sure I'd be rejected the first go-around.

Instead, I applied, waited a few weeks and then serendipitously (OK, fine, stalkerishly) ran into Pengy and Mrs Bee at the Martha Stewart  Weddings 15th Anniversary party.  I spotted them (Mrs Bee was about 8 months preggo at the time, making her an easy target) marched right up and promptly became a blathering idiot, managing to spout a few incoherent sentences about how much I loved Weddingbee and that I had recently applied to become a blogger, before running away and hiding my head in shame over how stupid I sounded.

Sidenote: Hilariously enough, I also managed to wax on about my love for the Bee to the woman who basically runs the Martha Stewart Weddings blog!  Needless to say, she was not pleased...Oooops!

But I guess somehow, between my blogging and blithering, something worked because a few days later, I got the acceptance email from Pengy!!! I was so shocked, I literally ran around in circles around my apartment and then did a face plant onto the bed.

What's it like blogging for Weddingbee?

To be honest, it's freakin' AWESOME!! It's seriously so much fun.  You get to write about your wedding plans (which no one in real life really wants to hear about as much as you want to talk about them) and then everyone oohs and ahhs and comments on everything! It's absolutely brilliant, I tell you...

I've been very lucky though, since I've yet to come across a single negative comment on my posts, which I think is quite unusual.  It's not always easy to put everything out there for the whole wide web to read but I've had nothing but positive feedback.

And I've also made legit friends.  Not like, blogging friends, but honest-to-goodness, real, live, flesh-and-blood friends.  Which effing rocks.

Advice for applicants

The only decent piece of advice I can offer up is to be in love with your wedding. Like, over-the-moon, can'tstopthinkingaboutit, so-excited-you-can't-wait-another-second in love. And then tell us all about it.  Tell us why you love what you're planning, tell us about every single stinkin' detail, no matter how small or insignificant and then show us photos of it all.

Blogging for Weddingbee has been a kick-ass experience that I really treasure.  Thanks for having me!

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