Thursday, July 1, 2010

Dealing with a Disappointing Day

Have you ever had one of those days where it just keeps getting worse the longer the day went on? Well, I am having one of those days that has been a tough one to get through. Whether it is disappointing news or things just keep going wrong, we all have those types of days.

I have decided to look at it without assuming (see blog on Four Agreements) that it is as bad as it might seem. This is a time where we might automatically look at the negative and magnify it all out of whack until we feel everything sucks! Or we can choose to think of it as a momentary blip, and that good days are just a moment away.

Remember it is our choice to think about things how ever we choose to. Why not choose to think positive thoughts, even if it is just to make your self feel better in this moment.

I also think it is good to take a moment before we react to upsetting news, or things going wrong. If we pause and try and stay in the moment, things really aren't as bad as we might be thinking they are. I can say that what ever crummy things have happened to me today, I am sitting here with good health, a peaceful place to live, food in my kitchen, and people who love me and who I love.

Just those things alone make me better off than most people in the world. Remember we always need to be grateful for what we do have, and not just focus on what we don't have, or what has gone wrong.

So I am going to finish my day by putting in a "Doris Day" movie and relax. Doris Day movies always make me feel better. They are movies I watched as a kid, and they are innocent and light, just what I need!

Remember when you have a hard day...."this too shall pass"....they always do!

Till Tomorrow,

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