Monday, May 24, 2010

A Big Fat Hair Trial Success!

My hair-guru bridesmaid Jdubs was in town this weekend for my bachelorette party (way more on that caraaaayziness to come as soon as I have all the pics!) and we managed to find a bit of down-time to work on a majorly important detail of the wedding: my hair.

Jdubs not only grew up in a salon but now is a representative for a very upscale hair product company called Oribe.  So basically, girlfriend pretty much rocks the shiznit outta hair, which is awesome for me because my hair-styling skills are wash, rinse, repeat.

I told her I wanted it to look natural, not too over-done and that I wanted to go curly.

Here's the before picture of my crazy/frizzy/wavy/ridiculous hair (also, this is pre-make-up. Yikes! :) )

And that Master Of All Things Hair managed to somehow tame the wild beast into this:

Isn't it lovely? I think she totally nailed the hippie Taylor Swift/Drew Barrymore look I was going for! And yes, I'm 100% serious with that previous statement, I love both of those entertainers and their hair!

I'm still planning on going with a little wreath of flowers as my embellishment but after the trial, we decided to also ask my florist to do a single flower hairpin as well, in case the wreath just turns out to be a bit much.

Here's what the back looked like...

I was so happy with how it came out! It held up well through the night and even looked really cute at brunch the next day. Good to know I won't have to shower or anything before heading to our morning-after brunch the weekend of the wedding because this dirty hippie avoids showering like the plague (for real. I find it really annoying.)  Anything to save some time and get a little extra shut-eye that Sunday morning afterwards...

Here's one final shot of me with my make-up done similar to how we'll do it for the wedding...

Ahhhhhh, amazing how make-up just makes everything better, eh? 

Anyways, it was so fun to get a preview of how I'm hoping to look for the big day and I have to say, I felt really, really pretty.  Which is a good thing, because a deep, dark little secret fear of mine is that I'll feel ugly and not pretty at the wedding.  So now I've been re-assured that this whole pretty thing isn't that hard to pull off if you have a killer hair stylist and actually wear some make-up.  Note to self :)

How did your hair and make-up trial go? Do you worry about feeling pretty and all bridal-like for your wedding too or is that just me? 

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